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Don’t Need a Resolution

January 3rd, 2009 · 2 Comments ·

I have given up making new year resolutions long time ago. Life is too unpredictable, and I rather take it step by step. I do believe that we all need to set goals and strive for success, but in a more realistic way.

How many times have you seen a person’s new year resolutions would be like this: 1) go to gym 5 times a week, 2) eat better (what’s “better” anyways?) and 3) be less judgmental (which I am already violating). Having worked in fitness industry, I have realized that not everyone enjoys working out. As matter of fact, most people hate working out. I am guilty of that feeling few times in a month as well. Frankly, I don’t believe that anyone will go to the gym 5 times a week unless he or she has been a regular for many years. If you were to ask me to help you to get in shape a year ago, I’d tell you to get off your butt and go lift some weight. However, my view on fitness and health has changed drastically; I hardly tell anyone to sign up for a gym membership or go on a “chicken breast” diet anymore. I am currently promoting “living actively” - cooking and eating whole foods, gardening, traveling, biking, hiking, etc. I absolutely believe that anyone would look and feel beautiful without a gym membership (which could actually make that person feels fat and unproductive, if he or she does not use the membership regularly).

In 2009, to get in shape, I recommend everyone to choose an enjoyable sport and participate in it frequently. Also, fire up the stove and learn to cook simple meals. By learning new skills, whether on a playing field or in a kitchen, you would be accomplishing more than you have originally planned - I guarantee.

Happy new year, thanks for dropping by!

Tags: Exercise · Diet

2 responses so far ↓

  • Alex // Jan 4, 2009 at 9:14 pm

    I don’t know Reg, maybe you should go hit the weights and eat some chicken and broccoli.

    Kidding. Good advice.

  • jenny whitfield // Jan 9, 2009 at 6:33 pm

    i like your philosophy. i’m over 50, grow my veg, bike, hike, and love to eat and cook. Diets, have never worked, t but as long as I do my own cooking and I do lots of activities the weight more or less takes care of itself.

    *tip* i bring a can of sardines in my backpack. That way if I’m hungry I’m not tempted to go for the fast food.

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