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Sweaty Guinea Pig Discovered: Jay Mung

May 7th, 2008 · 1 Comment ·

Every Wednesday, The Sweaty Guinea Pig will feature a fresh individual who will share his or her thoughts and experiences on fitness and healthy living.


Name: Jay M.
Age: 25
Location: Downtown Los Angeles, CA
Occupation: Graduate Student

What is your current routine? How many days do you dedicate to exercising every week?
I commute ten miles by bike everyday and run four miles about three times a week. Sometimes I cut down on the run and do the elliptical if I’m feeling sore or my joints are achy. I enjoy making it out for a longer run/hike/bike with friends on the weekend. I’ll participate in some sort of race (10k, etc..) every so often.

How did you come up with your current routine?
The running is a vestigial component from marathon training and will increase when I’m back in season. The biking is just a practical way of getting around. The weekend activities are a way to socialize while doing something wholesome.

What are your short term (within 6 weeks) and long term (3 months and beyond) goals?
My short term goals are just to make it through my exams without straying too far from the routine. I would like to run a 3:30 marathon in 2009.

What are other types of training that you’d like to try?
Is there anything for strengthening upper body that’s also a cardio training? I guess that means swimming.

What is your favorite post-workout meal?
My favorite part of exercising socially on the weekends is going out to eat afterwards. There’s no real pattern to what I’ve eaten except that I like both protein and carbs, and I eat a lot. A few examples of recent post-workout meals include: Chinese dumplings and noodle soup, Italian deli sandwiches, In-and-Out double cheeseburgers animal style, Lebanese chicken kebabs with hummus and rice, BBQ pulled pork sandwiches, etc.

What is your ideal “cheat” meal or favorite guilty indulgence?
It’s 2 am in Los Angeles and you just left the bar:

Any advice or words of encouragement for other Sweaty Guinea Pig readers?
No agony no bragony! But seriously, listen to your body.

If anybody who’d like to be featured on Sweaty Guinea Pig Discovered, please e-mail me at I look forward to discover new Guinea Pigs!

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