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Guinea Pig Gone on CrossFit

April 10th, 2008 · No Comments ·


My friend introduced CrossFit to me recently. In stead of training traditionally with emphasis on major muscle groups, CrossFit workout is multi-dimensional that includes speed, stamina, agility, flexibility training, etc. There are no training for specificity; a fire fighter would train like a soccer player for endurance and strength.

The more I read about CrossFit training, the more curious I get about its effectiveness. I made up my own version of CrossFit workout this morning. My guinea-pig experience was intense, yet fun. Here’s a look at my first Guinea Pig’s CrossFit:

Round 1: B.W. Squat + Bench Press + Parachute Jumps
Round 2: B.W. Side-step Squat + Barbell Clean & Jerk + Spiderman
Round 3: B.W. Front Lunges + Snatch + Burpee Jumps
Round 4: 1-leg Hops (same repetition each leg) + Barbell 1-arm Upright Rows + Knee Tugs
Round 5: Guinea Pig Around*
B.W. = Body Weight

Round 1 to 4 are 3 sets each with 10 repetitions. There are no water breaks between each set, but 1 minute between each round.

*Guinea Pig Around is consisted of six exercises: bench press, close-grip bench press, bend-over rows, standing curls, shoulder press, and wide-grip bench press. Each exercise is performed 10 times consecutively for 2 rounds.

I challenge you to guinea-pig a CrossFit workout.

Tags: Exercise

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