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Guinea Pig on Parenting

September 17th, 2008 · 1 Comment ·


A good eating habit can be acquired at young age; parents have to be role models and educate kids about healthy dining without using any forceful methods. Below are some solutions, provided by New York Times, to get your kids eat the peas

  1. Let them in…kids are afraid of trying new foods. However, studies have shown that if they learn how to prepare their meals with new ingredients, then they are likely to try their concotion at least. Therefore, let your kids get involved in cooking and teach them the safety hazards at the same time.
  2. Kids are kids, and not dogs…the “dog training method” does not work on kids; simply telling your kids that they are allowed to play after eating their greens will never get them to fully appreciate the beauty of fresh vegetables. Simply put the vegetables on the dining table and encourage your kids to try is the better approach.
  3. Don’t hide the cookie jar…kids will likely to binge if they are put on a restricted diet. If you don’t want your kids eat candies or drink soda, don’t bring them home. Putting candies or soda on higher shelves will only make your kids want more and not practice moderation.
  4. Show them how it’s done…in a healthy way! Don’t go on Atkins diet or take the “magic pills” that guarantees you to lose 10 lbs. in a week. Kids eat the way their parents eat; if you want your kids be healthy, then be the role model and show them the proper eating habit.
  5. Spice it up…kids don’t like the boring boiled broccoli. But if you add some flavors, such as a small pad of butter, to the steamed vegetable, kids will likely to reach for broccoli or other vegetables the next time. A little bit of fat can also open up the fat-soluble nutrients from the vegetables!
  6. Just keeping making it…kids will likely to eat the vegetables you put on the dining table regularly; the more they see, the more familiar they get with the vegetables. Thus…they will eat the peas!

How do you make your kids eat the greens? or How did your parents make you eat the vegetables?

Tags: Diet

1 response so far ↓

  • Dila // Sep 18, 2008 at 7:05 am

    I have 3 children (14, 8 and 3 years old). My first and second started to favor certain vegetable dishes since they began primary schools. Their choices are my favorites too. They include sauted kang kong, brocolli with cheesy sauce, cucumber+tomato+potato chips salad as well as spinach+grated cheese folded in spring roll wrapper and baked. How do they taste: excellent! Point no 5 (spice it up) is so true. It’s a lot of work to prepare them (especially the salad as the potato chips are home made with of course less salt) but it’s worthy.

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